The list of references should contain no more than 5 sources. Bibliographic references in the text are numbered sequentially in square brackets. The list of references is placed in a separate window after the text of the abstracts and is compiled in the order in which the sources are mentioned in the text. The list of references must not have a heading. The list of references indicates all those and only those sources that are mentioned in the text of the theses.
Examples of bibliographic references in the text:
The experiment of I.I. Ivanov [1] showed…
Many scientists have written about this problem [2; 3; 4]
According to P.P. Petrov [5, p. 25]…
Example of the design of the list of references:
Link to the book:
1. Smith J. 2016 Experimenting with cross-referencing. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
The book is edited by one or more editors, without attribution:
2. Editor A.A.., Editor B.B., Editor C.C. (eds.) 2002. How to Edit Things That Need Editing. Norwell: Kluwer.
Author's article in the book under the general editorship:
3. Writer W.W. 2000. Writing a Book, Drawing a Picture. E.Editor (ed.) Editing Books for Life. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 215–234
Link to the article in the journal:
4. Author A.A., Author B.B., Author C.C. 1998. How to write a great abstract. Journal of Great Abstracts, 18(1), 168–170.